Polish Cabbage & Noodles

Photo of Noodles and Cabbage in Skillet

Photo of Noodles and Cabbage in SkilletPolish Cabbage and Noodles

 Cabbage and noodles is a common theme throughout much of central and eastern Europe.  Sometimes pork (usually bacon or ham) is included, and other times it’s not.  Sour cream or heavy cream is another item that may or may not be included.  I decided to “go for broke” in the calorie department and added sour cream to my recipe.  It’s definitely worth it!  Adding in sliced (or large chunks of whole) kielbasa while cooking the onions will turn this into a one-pot meal.

Yield:  4 Servings

8 strips thick-cut smoked bacon, cut in ½” pieces

1 medium yellow onion, diced ¼”

1 8-oz. pkg. wide egg noodles

1 lb. green cabbage, cored and cut into 1” chunks

1 teaspoon Kosher salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon caraway seed

1 cup chicken stock

1 cup sour cream

Place bacon in a large saute pan over medium heat and begin to render out the fat.  As the fat begins to render, add the diced onion to the pan to start cooking in the bacon grease.

Fill a 4-6 qt. pot of water about three-quarters full and bring to a boil. When water boils, add 2 tablespoons of salt.

Add the noodles and cook for about 8-10 minutes.  When noodles are al dente, drain and reserve ¼ cup of the pasta water to thin out the sauce, if necessary.

As the onion begins to turn golden, add the cabbage,  salt, and pepper, to the pan.   Place the caraway seed in a mortar and pestle and break up into smaller bits to release more aromatic oils.  Add the caraway to the cabbage mixture.   Cook over high heat, stirring periodically until cabbage becomes limp.  Deglaze pan by add chicken stock and scraping up any cooked-on bits.  Cover with a lid and cook until cabbage is soft, and liquid has reduced to a syrupy consistency, about 3-5 minutes.   Stir in the sour cream to coat the cabbage.  Add the cooked egg noodles, and a little of the noodle-cooking water, if necessary, to thin out the sour cream and coat the entire mixture. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary before serving.  Garnish with additional caraway seed, if desired.


Cook and brown ¼ lb. sliced Polska Kielbasa when the onions get added to the pan.

Add a sliced or diced apple to the pan with the cabbage for a touch of sweetness.