If you’re looking for something rich, sinful, and flavorful I have just the thing for you…”Butter Brickle Bang Bangs”. This an original cookie (candy?) that I created for my “Holiday Cookie” class. It started with an old recipe clipping from a newspaper. Originally it was the crumb base as I have it (graham cracker crumbs, peanut butter, butter, and powdered sugar) that was … Read More
Sugar and Spice
The past several years I haven’t had time to do as much Christmas baking as I used to but I still enjoy trying new recipes to add to my repetoire. This year a new one is a Swiss honey spice cookie called “Basler Laeckerli” from Basel, Switzerland. I found the recipe in a past Christmas issue of the King … Read More
Gremolata – Add a Spark of Flavor!
I love the cooler weather of fall. It puts me in the mood to cook! There’s something about a cool, crisp breeze and overcast skies that puts me in the mood to just spend the day in the kitchen. Another reason I love fall is because of the heartier richer flavors that emerge again…winter squashes, pungent baking spices like cinnamon … Read More
Wildly Delicious
People often presume that because I’m a chef I cook all kinds of amazing meals at home. I love food and cooking but when it comes to cooking for myself I want something that is quick. Mushrooms, both fresh and dried are a great ingredient to keep on hand for quick meals or easy entertaining. [picapp src=”b/5/c/8/Shiitake_mushrooms_Lentinula_d334.jpg?adImageId=4879214&imageId=5102519″ width=”380″ height=”303″ /] … Read More
Biscuit Bliss
Black & Blue Biscuits Recently a friend commented that despite the fact that he was born and raised in the South, and grew up cooking with his grandmother, he was somehow shorted on the all important southern “biscuit gene”. Aren’t all southerner’s supposed to be able to whip out the flour, add some lard and 10 minutes later have biscuits … Read More
“C is for Cookie”
Who can believe that August is already here?? Yikes..it seems like spring was only yesterday and now the stores are advertising “Back to School” sales and I’m trying to get in the mindset for Christmas. Lest I come across as one of those Überorganized people who plan vacations, parties and social events two seasons ahead let me dispel that myth right … Read More
Fruit: Is it “Ripe”?
Why don’t grocery store tomatoes taste like the flavorful ones we get from farmstands and our backyard? Why don’t nectarines found in the store in February every taste like the ones in July? It all comes down to understanding ripeness. Ripeness in fruit is not based on color alone. Color will change as a fruit becomes ripe (red bell peppers … Read More
Homemade Churros
Growing up in southern California I was accustomed to Churros, a Mexican pastry stick that is coated with cinnamon sugar. They could be found at everything from concession stands and high-school games to theme parks, and most any place where such snack type offerings could be bought. Recently while updating my “Mexican Fiesta” class I decided to incorporate them as … Read More