Gingerbread House Workshop

Family with Gingerbread houses

Gingerbread houses evoke a nostalgic sense of homespun Christmases past. Ones which we may or may not have actually had. Nonetheless the charm of sitting at a table with the upright frame of a gingerbread manse in front of us, waiting to be bedecked with mounds of icing and multi-colored candies, conjures up a desire to heat the oven and start baking. Usually though, all too late, we realize it’s a lot of work! Mixing, rolling, cutting, baking, cooling, making icing, and gathering candy. At some point you think “Hey, I thought this was supposed to be fun!?”
Gingerbread House Assembly

Gingerbread House Candy
Well, it can be….

Join us at Chef Darin’s Kitchen table during the month of December for one of several Gingerbread house workshops. We’ve already assembled the homes for you, it’s your job to do the fun stuff….decorate! Enjoy sipping cider, coffee or hot cocoa while chef Darin shows you how to easily assemble the house with caramelized sugar to avoid the extended drying time of royal icing and the mountain of stacked food it takes for support. You supply the creative juices to transform the gingerbread house into a colorful addition to your Christmas decor!

Gingerbread Workshop Information and Dates:
$40 per adult, $10 per child, 1 assembled gingerbread house per adult admission.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Sunday December 4th, 3-5pm
Saturday December 10th, 4-6pm
Thursday December 22nd, 6-8pm

Reservations are required, book now!